The first thing I got home was to have myself standing on the weighing machine. As I've promised myself, one of the targets I had set earlier this year was to increase my weight. Being underweight for the past 20++years, I have always trying to increase my weight. My BMI (body mass index) was always under 18kg/m2. I didn’t really mean to offense those who are trying to reduce weight, but I’m really a hard-gainer. Lose weight to me is very easy, but gain weight is like harder than passing an exam. Anyway, after a few months of intensive workout and high-caloric diet, my weight seems to increase “a bit”. Really glad that I've finally gotten into the category of “normal weight”. And my BMI now is 20 kg/m2. However, this is just the beginning. To maintain the weight is another story. And I know in the following few months, my weight will sure drop, as my following posting will be very busy and stressful. Then the whole cycle have to start again. What to do! I can just try as much as possible to carb up myself during this one week holiday before the next big lose...haha...
"carb up" yourself? Haha! All the best in gaining weight. go gym la, muscle's heavier than fat :)