My goodness...After struggling for many days, I finally finished my first reflective writing in my fifth year. For you information, unlike previous batch of medical students, we have to write reflective writings as part of our Personal and Professional Development module (PPD). And since first year, we have been writing more than forties of them. It always take me a long time just to write one and it's really suffer because I'm not really a reflective type of person. Like what Gine said, I always have to squeeze my "creative juice" from my long drought brain, and the "juice" just drip instead of gush (what a horrible metaphor). It's not that I don't have ideas on how to write it, in fact, I have so many ideas, but the ideas are just so vague that I just don't know how to form it into sentences. Anyway, I managed to finish it and really felt relieves for it (for not continuing squeezing my brain, it really hurts). *sigh*
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4 Responses
  1. Gine Says:

    Excuse me? When did i say you need to squeeze your brain to produce the creative juice lah? You said it yourself ok? All the time ;p and let me know if i can help you in writing ;) I love that kind of writing if I have the time and mood =)

  2. @lbert Says:

    ai ya...you give me the idea ma...really??my second writing is on the way, may be can ask u to help me...haha...

  3. Gine Says:

    I know! Use BLENDER! even the pulps will be too fine to be separated, and hence it adds to the volume ;P

  4. Edwin T Says:

    use another metaphor. "like an old guy with BPH" coz it dribbles rather than a good stream. haha

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