
The first thing come into my mind when I wanted to start a blog is thinking about this song - "True Colours". It's a very classic song sang by Cyndi Lauper in 1986 (the year I born) in an album named "True Colors" written by Billy Steinberg and Tom Kelly.

But I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful, like a rainbow

It's a song from friend to friend telling one another not to be afraid of showing or expressing your true-self, not to be discourage or sad, and remember that friendship still be there with you all the time. It's a song that inspire me what kind of blog I want to start with. And I think this is the perfect one for me.
4 Responses
  1. 玮文美女 Says:

    haha..oic,u wan us to noe ur true colour from ur blog....hahahahahaha.......要露出真面目??

  2. @lbert Says:


  3. 玮文美女 Says:

    haha...i wonder how xiong1 hen3 u can be.....

  4. Gine Says:

    :) I don't know why I like this post. Maybe it reminds me of the purpose I started my blog back then. I want to stay honest to myself (and the readers) when writing. If I can't be myself even when blogging (I'm not blogging to gain popularity), then I'd better don't blog.

    Good one =)

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